Character Development

Adventure Points: As characters participate in an ongoing campaign, they can learn from their experiences and improve. The GM should award each character from 0 to 5 Adventure Points for every session the character actively participates in, based on the complexity and danger level (to the character) of the session AND how well the player roleplayed the character and participated in the adventure. An average session should probably earn 2-3 points.
Adventure points can be spent for Fate Points and Skill purchase and advancement.
Fate Points: Before the start of any session, a player spent some of his/her characters earned adventure points for up to 5 Fate Points. Unused Fate Points carry over from session to session, but no character may have more than 10 Fate Points at any time. One Fate Point costs 1 Adventure point. Fate points may be used in the following ways, but once used a Fate Point is permanently lost.
  • 1 Fate Point will modify any one die roll by plus or minus five (as the player wishes). Must be spent before the dice are rolled.
  • 1 Fate Point will modify any one die roll by plus or minus two (as the player wishes) if spent after the dice are rolled.
  • 1 Fate Point will cause a minor bit of non-combat luck to come the character's way. (The GM decides exactly what this is.)
  • 2 Fate Points will cause a major bit of non-combat luck to come the character's way. (The GM decides exactly what this is.)
  • 3 Fate Points will allow a player to provide a character with a Healing Surge (see Healing and Healing Surges).
  • 4 Fate Points will allow a player to change a character's action immediately after seeing the results of that action.
Skill Purchase/Advancement: Players will probably want their characters to learn new skills and improve those they already have during the course of a campaign. Such things normally require GM approval as they are only possible if the character has been practicing or training in the desired skill in the game. Acquiring a new skill (at Basic Familiarity) costs 6 Adventure Points. Improving a skill from Basic Familiarity to Trained also costs 6 Adventure Points. Improving a skill from Trained to Skilled costs 12 Adventure Points. Improving a skill from Skilled to Expert costs 18 Adventure Points. Improving a skill from Expert to Master costs 24 Adventure Points. Improving a skill from Master to Legendary Master (the same 4+ roll as Master, but all negative modifiers for task complexity are reduced by 50%) costs 36 Adventure Points. These costs are doubled if the skill in question is one the GM has ruled special.

Modifications and additions Copyright © 2013 Brannon Hollingsworth
Repost from:

Copyright © 2008 Randall Stukey

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