
FAST-R stands for the Flexible Adventure System, Task Oriented-Revised and is a Role-Playing Game System based almost entirely on the FAST RPG. Approximately a year ago, I was looking for a quick, easy to learn RPG system and I ran across FAST. My group and I tried it and liked it - it combined many of the features we were looking for in an RPG:
  • Quick and powerful character creation
  • Uncomplicated character advancement
  • Very flexible and open-ended play rules
  • Straight-forward skill resolution
  • Easy to learn regardless of previous RPG experience
However, we felt that the system was lacking in a couple of areas, especially in the areas of Combat, Damage, and Healing. To that end, we've been working on tweaking the system (coining it FAST-R) and have published our current house rules here for others to use. We welcome feedback and hope to hear from others who've used both the FAST and the FAST-R rule-set. We hope you gain just as many hours of fun-filled enjoyment as have we.

Be blessed in Christ!

For completeness' sake, we've re-published the FAST rules here (as we use this site frequently during game play) but we do not in any way wish to detract from the original and excellent FAST rules, it's creators, or their excellent website. Please visit them at the link below and let them know what you think of their excellent work. You would not be here if it were not for them first creating FAST!

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