Copyright & Expansion

FAST: The Flexible Adventure System, Task-oriented is copyright © 1997-1999 by Randall Stukey.
FAST is a copyrighted freeware game system. It is fully protected under US Copyright Laws and this protection is extended to almost all other countries by the Berne Convention and other copyright treaties. You are encouraged to provide free copies to your friends. Note the word FREE: you may not charge any type of fee for providing this game. You are also encouraged to upload text copies of it to your favorite BBSs and Online Services; however, no fee for downloading any file or message containing this game or material based on this game may be charged beyond the normal connect charges for using the service in general. In all cases, my copyright notice and distribution rules (i.e. the three paragraphs in this section) must remain on the document in whatever form it is distributed.
While you are free to publish expansions, adventures, campaign packs and other derivative works based on FAST, all such items must be copyrighted to me (e.g. "Copyright [year] by Randall Stukey") and may only be distributed under the terms given for the distribution of FAST itself in the previous paragraph. FAST expansions, adventures, campaign packs and other derivative works based on other copyrighted works (e.g. books, TV shows, movies, etc.) may not be distributed at all without written permission from both the "other work" copyright holder and Randall Stukey. FAST and all derivative works must be produced and distributed at no profit. The author is not going to make money off of FAST, nor will he allow others to do so.
Version 1.1 (November 30, 1998)

FAST-R: The Flexible Adventure System, Task-oriented-Revised is copyright © 2013 by Brannon "Ashy" Hollingsworth.
FAST-R is a copyrighted freeware game system. It is fully protected under US Copyright Laws and this protection is extended to almost all other countries by the Berne Convention and other copyright treaties. You are encouraged to provide free copies to your friends. Note the word FREE: you may not charge any type of fee for providing this game. You are also encouraged to upload text copies of it to your favorite BBSs and Online Services; however, no fee for downloading any file or message containing this game or material based on this game may be charged beyond the normal connect charges for using the service in general. In all cases, both the FAST-R and the FAST copyright notices and distribution rules (i.e. the three paragraphs in this, and within the linked sections) must remain on the document in whatever form it is distributed.
While you are free to publish expansions, adventures, campaign packs and other derivative works based on FAST-R, all such items must be copyrighted to me (e.g. "Copyright [year] by Brannon "Ashy" Hollingsworth") and may only be distributed under the terms given for the distribution of FAST-R itself in the previous paragraph. FAST-R expansions, adventures, campaign packs and other derivative works based on other copyrighted works (e.g. books, TV shows, movies, etc.) may not be distributed at all without written permission from both the "other work" copyright holder and Brannon Hollingsworth. FAST-R and all derivative works must be produced and distributed at no profit. The author is not going to make money off of FAST-R, nor will he allow others to do so.
Version 1.0 (December 25, 2013)

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