Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Giovanni Battista (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Croft Hollows
Race: Human
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 181 lbs.
Age: 37
Body: 24
Armor: Padded Jerkin and Leather Suircoat (-5)*
Adventure Points: 50
Fate Points: 0
Character Points: 50

Gifted Speaker (7)
Church Machinations (6)
European Contacts (5)
Infinitely Trusted (5)
Discernment (7)
Hand-to-Hand Combat (3)
Glory (7)
Goodness (7)
Holy Strike (3)

Morning stars, small, blessed (2) (2d6)
Flanged Mace, blessed (1) (2d8)
Shishpar**, blessed (1) (2d10)
Holy Water Flasks (6)
Holy Books
Sacrament Items
Writing Implements
Toe Bone of Joan of Arc

* - Put 4 Fate Points into Armor (Blessing) for an additional (-2)
** - Fashioned in such a way that the head can be filled with holy water


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