Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sypher (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Human Ronin Shinobi
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 148 lbs.
Body: 22
Armor: NIFE (-3)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 6
Character Points: 65

Psybernetic INSIGHT** (15)
Parkour (10)
Ninjutsu (5)
Mentalist's Sleight of Hand (10)
Telekinetic Rupture (10) (2d6)
Bugei Juhappan*** (11)
Holistic Healing (4)

*Reinforced titanium nano-weave infiltration exosuit (NIFE) and **INSIGHT (Infiltrator's Nightfall Sensory Input and Guidance Hub Tech)
Machine Pistols (2d4)
Carbonized titanium katana (long sword)
Carbonized titanium wakizashi (short sword)
Kunai (multi-purpose tool resembling a chisel)
Paracord (wrapped around hilts)
Happo (hollowed egg shells filled with pepper, dust, and metal filings)

*** - "The 18 Martial Arts"


Sypher had a name, a people, and a home before his restless heart sent him far and wide in the War against the Taint. "Kaze" (風) they called him in the language of the Sun, which meant "wind." Wind he was, flowing swiftly from place to place, slowly ambling in shifting thoughts, only bent on the path of adventure. His village high in the mountains allowed his wandering heart to move about the great temple-town, which had grown up from the ashes as a place that united two peoples: Those of the Sun who sought "bushido" or "warrior's way" in a torn world, and those of the Moon who lived as free spirits after the philosophy of parkour. The unity of purpose in these two peoples allowed them great freedom in lifestyles and enabled them to merge over time to create the "Twilit kindred." Clans grew from this merger, along with a combination of arts and skills that would greatly help them in the War of the Taint to come.

Kaze hailed from Clan Jade Tortoise, a tribe that saw the world as in perpetual movement. This movement may be seen in the slow change of the seasons in their perpetual walk of life, or unseen but felt as the wind on its endless journey through the world. "Change," the elders say, "comes both slowly swiftly: Age moulds the man slowly, while Experience may grow him quickly; death follows both." "This," the wise point out, "can be seen in how the world has changed. The sudden darkening of mankind forced children of the Sun and Moon to journey and find a new home, where they came to live through many hardships in the twilight of the world. Also, note the unforeseen appearance of the Tainted, with their warped-warpers twisting the world in their wake. Their shadow awakened the light hidden within the twilit kindred, and the way of the warrior found purpose once more against the monstrosities made by necromancers." This darkness was the Taint, a horde of mutated creatures and their sorcerer masters. The clans combined their lore and skills to resist the Tainted forces, and found a great source of power hidden in both peoples. Heroes arose and destroyed the presence of the Taint below the slopes of their mountains, but would go no further. In the wisdom of the Wise, they shut their borders with a strong leaguer and let few pass into their midst. Peace returned to their mountains as a soft spring in the winter of the world.

Kaze was young when the War of the Taint raged in their valley, yet the stink of battle and the terror of those long nights did not wholly leave his heart. He studied the 18 arts and followed the warrior's way, as all youth in his generation had to learn. He also possessed another art, the power to sense and alter things with his mind. The elders noted both his skill and his willfulness, and many hoped he would take the path of the sage; Kaze's heart burned in him and would not let him sit idle while the Taint remained in the world. The junior warrior stood before the council of the wise and asked leave to hunt the tainted beyond their borders. Most refused his request, save the Singers of the clan. The Singers possessed the gifts of foretelling, and little they spoke in the councils that did not forebode of doom to come. They spoke before the council could pronounce their final refusal a verse that would hold Kaze on his way,

"Wind you are, blowing farther and wider with each passing year,
Wind you must remain, leaving clan and kindred's mountain home,
Where will you go, when hidden hill is all you have known?
When will you hear again the songbird and see the snow?
A sword on the wind will blow from flying mountain,
Air will join earth in the war against the hated Taint--
There the Wind will blow in the banner of your kindred,
Upon soaring mountain you will remember the way,
Will the wind will blow again upon this mountain?
Only the Ancients and the Great Elder can tell…"

The council grieved to send a son alone on such a forbidden and dangerous path, but none would gainsay the Singers when they spoke. The elders then banished the young warrior until either fate or death brought him back to his people. Kaze could not bear the arms or signs of his people into the outside world, nor practice their people's art, in accordance with the pronouncement of both singers and sages. As an act of mercy, the elders brought forth tokens of goodwill: Travel provisions; worn garments from their traveling past; and a helm and curais, a relic rumored to give a warrior sight beyond that of his eyes. Both the helm and clothes hailed from their distant pilgrimage in darker days. Last, and most painful, the elders stripped Kaze of his name, giving him a new one to wear. "You will bear the name Sypher, for a mystery you are, as is your fate, lost-son. Yet, you alone will discover the riddle of the way before you."

"Until a sword on the wind sings forth from flying mountain," added the Singers.

So went Sypher from the home he loved, the memory of snowcaps like diamonds radiant with light and forests of endless emerald burning in his heart. Yet, the keener fire for adventure and justice swept him far away from the secret valley, and turned his back on his home.
The Journey before Cit-Nimbus:
The next months were hard on Sypher, the hardest he had known--though not the hardest he would face. The young exile lived in the shadows, as he quickly discovered the mutants were stronger and hardier from their terrible lives. SIGHT guided him, and Sypher was rarely ambushed without knowing beforehand of coming trouble. It was this that allowed him to develop his mental art to afflict his enemies from the shadows. Sypher remained true to his banishment, foregoing the fullness of the eighteen arts and the martial way. However, Sypher found this restriction acted as a tool to refine his character. His spirit's course deepened, and though it carried him into strange lands, his will reflect the philosophy of his people all the more. The lone warrior fought for freedom and the renewal of humanity, a humanity he had seen in the hidden mountain and that SIGHT revealed in its memories. SIGHT's images could not prepare Sypher for the world outside his former home; devastation ruled most of the world, and many things had changed since the founding of the mountain refuge. Yet, the gift of SIGHT enabled the pilgrim to accept the presence of androids like J-453 and make the tougher discernment between good and bad mutants (He never did fully trust any "tainted.")

He could not accept the more barbaric way of life to which mankind had given itself elsewhere. Nobility of virtue rarely existed, much less restraint; hedonism had never been lauded even in the ripest summers of the hidden realm. Sypher found solace in the little demands J-453's robotic life accorded him, and he genuinely rejoiced at the discovery of Bulk, an ancient and venerable spirit of stone. Sypher surprised himself when he took pity on two mutants in their torment at the hands of sorcerers, sparing their lives. The seasoned warrior heeded the wisdom of Bulk and allowed them to join their party. Sypher slowly appreciated the aid the brutes offered in a scrap against the world's formidable forces.
Sypher will recognize the Singers' words parallel what he thought impossible before coming to Cit-nimbus: Mountains that fly, and (more importantly) the ban could be lifted. He will journey to the forge to request assistance in reforging his current armor into the exosuit below, as well as the tools necessary to take up the trade as a ronin shinobi.

Monday, December 30, 2013

J-453 Grendor (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Android
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Body: 28
Armor: Neo-Carbon Weave (-10)*
Adventure Points: 10
Fate Points: 10
Character Points: 53

Leadslinger (8)
Overclocked and Optimized (8)
Machine Mind (8)
Artificer Appendage (8)
Battle Arm-BA (10)
Soul Spark (3)

Neo-Carbon Weave
Retro-Revolver (uses multiple round types, see below):

Electro-magnetic (2d8)
Overload (2d6)
Hollow point (2d6)
Impact (2d6)

* - Put 8 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-4)
Goes by "Jace"
Must follow Azimovian Law:
  1. Cannot intentionally harm a human
  2. Must obey a human, except where it contradicts with the First Law
  3. Must preserve self, except where it contradicts with the First Law
Grendorian Bypass:
  1. Gauges Universal Benevolence towards humanity
  2. Average Human is defined by:
    1. Approximately 5' 8' in height
    2. Possesses 2 arms
    3. Possesses 2 legs
    4. Displays an upright posture
    5. Possesses 10 fingers
    6. Possesses symmetrical face
    7. Possesses 1 nose
    8. Possesses 1 mouth
    9. Possesses 2 eyes
    10. Possesses 2 ears
      1. Set default recognition to android on success
      2. Genetic mutation/evolution disqualifies humanity

Shard Cultist

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Unknown?
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Body: 25
Armor: Artifact Mantel (-2)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points:0
Character Points: 40

Hand-to-hand Melee (10) (1d4)
Indoctrinated Defense (10)

Supreme Artifact (12) (2d8)
Quiescent Knowledge (8)
Rapid Blows (10)

Supreme Artifact: fireball, ice dagger, sand gourd, pocket watch sword, screaming noise (disabling)


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bulk (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Moai
Height: 15
Weight: 15 tons
Body: 60
Armor: Massive Stone Body (-8)
Adventure Points: 15
Fate Points: 6
Character Points: 50

Cosmos Communication (10)
Elemental Control (10)
Aura Manipulation (10)
Earth Affront (10)
Dimension Walk (10)

Massive stone limbs (2d12)


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Slither (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Lizardman
Height: 7
Weight: 157 lbs.
Body: 28
Armor: Scales & Bronze Armor (-5)
Adventure Points: 20
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Mind Leech (11)
Four-Hand Fighting (7)
Improvised Weaponry (6)
Tongue Tracking (6)

Iron Wave Hammer (2d8)
Bronze Armor (-3)

Has four arms (unlike the image above).

Mongrel (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Human
Height: 8' 10"
Weight: 300 lbs.
Body: 36
Armor: Mismatched Enchanted Armor & Shield (-11)*
Adventure Points: 17
Fate Points: 6
Character Points: 50

Multi-weapon fighting (6)
Mok Strength (6)
Nimble (5)
Improvised Weapon (9)
Melee Specialist (9)
Middle-Age Skills (5)

Mace (2d6)
Longsword (2d8)
Hammer (2d8)
Dagger (3) (2d4)
Ball & Chain (2d8)
Ax (2d10)
Shield (-3)

* - Put 10 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-5)
Armor is made from the hides/remains of his past victims.

The Mutt Hopper (Location)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Type of Location: Tavern
Notes: The Mutt Hopper was a small, ramshackle tavern located near the Derelict Greens in Bastilict City. It looks like its crafted from stacked pallets held together with bailing wire. The tavern's sign depicts a cross-eyed frog with a long sticky tongue (the actual creature is stuffed and is presented in a prominient place inside). Dar'rn runs the place and he's a good ol' boy, but he'll do you a solid if your money is good. Jeff is his brother and knows all about pimpin' folks out. ;)
Associated NPCs: Dar'rn, Jeff



Friday, December 27, 2013

Ryley (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Human
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Body: 24
Armor: Kevlar Micro-weave Body Armor (-4)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Mechanic (10)
Hand-to-hand Combatant (10)
Disguise (10)
Pick Pocket (10)
Sharp Eye (10)

Tantō (2) (2d4)
Collapsible bazooka (5 Shot only) (2d12)
Micro-uzi (2) (4d4)
Smoke grenades (12) (no damage)
Concussion grenades (12) (2d4)
Sting grenades (nonlethal) (12) (2d4)
Incendiary grenades (12) (2d10)
Luck (2)
Luck Amulet*

* - Luck x2

Klem Hackit (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Redneck
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Body: 28
Armor: Gater Hide Armor (-3)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Shuck & Jive (10)
Huntin' & Trackin' (5)
Real Huntin' (10)
Use What Je Got (4)
Fast Hand Floyd (5)
Hidin' Gud (10)

Happy Jar - Must have liquid to work; add liquid to jar, shake, and concentrate. Heal: 1d10+Skill

* - Put 6 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-3)

Strider (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Cyranger
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Body: 24
Armor: Titanium-Mesh Leather (-8)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 50

Expert Bowman (12)
Blade Flighting (6)
Rangerwalk (10)
Dead-eye (12)
Lightning Reflex (4)

Enchanted Bow (Damage dependent on arrow type)
Long Knife (2d6)
Throwing Knife (2d4)
Greatsword (2d8)
Various poisons and potions
Ranger's cloak

Sleep (2d4)
Freeze (2d6)
Fire (2d8)
Electric (2d6)
Poison (2d4)
Stone (2d6)
Cobra (2d4)
Shock (2d6)
Explosion (2d4 AOE)
Net (no damage)
Screaming (no damage)
Befuddling (no damage)
Eagle (no damage) 

* - Put 12 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-6)


World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Plaxax
Height: 4' 5"
Weight: 85 lbs.
Body: 20
Armor: Steel-enhanced Leather (-3)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 40

Hand-to-hand Melee (6)
Thug Life (6)
Pick-pocket (10)
Stealth (10)
Scrappy Guard (4)
Wall-climb (4)



Lilac (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Magi-teck
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Body: 24
Armor: Impact Armor (-3)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Awesome Aim (10)
Healer (10)
Mind Reader/Controller (10)
Agile (10)
Awesome Fighter (10)

Runeflinger Pistols (2d6)
Dagger (2) (2d4)
Sword (2d8)
Taser (2d4)
Chameleon Cloak*

* - Cloak adds +2 to any Stealth-related roll

Sally (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Human
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Body: 24
Armor: Beaten and soldered tin cans under crocodile hide (-3)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

So Honest She's Hard To Take At Face Value And Hard Not To Really Believe (8)
Bard-like Historical Knowledge (10)
Camouflage (8)
Diversion (4)
Sniper (8)
Mimicry (6)
Quick (4)

Smoke Bombs
Dagger (2d4)
Pocket Knife (2d4)
Long Rifle (2d6)
Throwing Axe (2d6)

* Put 2 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-1)

Smasher (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Dwar-man
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Body: 38
Armor: Titanium Plate (-8)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Two-Hand Fighting (8)
Massive Strength (11)
Nimble (8)
Woodworking (6)
Rock Solid Guard (11)

Big Hammer (2d10)
Long Sword (2d8)
Knives (3) (2d4)
Axes (2) (2d6)
Nailgun (2d4)

* - Put 6 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-3)

Flem Hackit (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Mutated Redneck
Height: 12' 11.5"
Weight: 1998 lbs.
Body: 52
Armor: Monster Truck Tire Armor (-7)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
Character Points: 50

Redneck Juju (12)
Jackslap (12) (Massive Damage - 2d12)
Idiot Savant (12)
Too Dumb to Die (12)

Budcannon (Homemade flamethrower, fueled by white lightnin) (Heavy Damage - 2d10)
Overhauls (So's I won't be nekkid)
Fishin' an' Huntin' Cap
Dixie Flag Bandanner
Artifacts from Toymaker: [tuning fork, silver ring, top]

Mudpuppy Monthly
Momma's name is Dixie General Lee
* - Put 2 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-1)


World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Reptilonorsus
Body: 80
Armor: Monsterous Thick Hide (-9 to Damage)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 1
Character Points: 50

Raging Attack: 15
Massive Maw: 15
Massive Claws: 15



Gut Guerrero

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Undead
Body: 22
Armor: Corpse-i-fied Tank Plate (-5 to Damage)
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 50

Dead Mind: 10
Self-Repair: 10
Undead Connectivity: 5
Tread Movement: 10
Gut Spew (Gas-based Posion): 10
Communication Set: 5

Heavy Machine Gun (2d10)
Grenade (2d6)
