Monday, December 30, 2013

J-453 Grendor (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Barbarians & Blasters
Race: Android
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Body: 28
Armor: Neo-Carbon Weave (-10)*
Adventure Points: 10
Fate Points: 10
Character Points: 53

Leadslinger (8)
Overclocked and Optimized (8)
Machine Mind (8)
Artificer Appendage (8)
Battle Arm-BA (10)
Soul Spark (3)

Neo-Carbon Weave
Retro-Revolver (uses multiple round types, see below):

Electro-magnetic (2d8)
Overload (2d6)
Hollow point (2d6)
Impact (2d6)

* - Put 8 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-4)
Goes by "Jace"
Must follow Azimovian Law:
  1. Cannot intentionally harm a human
  2. Must obey a human, except where it contradicts with the First Law
  3. Must preserve self, except where it contradicts with the First Law
Grendorian Bypass:
  1. Gauges Universal Benevolence towards humanity
  2. Average Human is defined by:
    1. Approximately 5' 8' in height
    2. Possesses 2 arms
    3. Possesses 2 legs
    4. Displays an upright posture
    5. Possesses 10 fingers
    6. Possesses symmetrical face
    7. Possesses 1 nose
    8. Possesses 1 mouth
    9. Possesses 2 eyes
    10. Possesses 2 ears
      1. Set default recognition to android on success
      2. Genetic mutation/evolution disqualifies humanity

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