Friday, December 27, 2013

Strider (Character)

World/Setting of 1st Encounter: Bastilict City
Race: Cyranger
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Body: 24
Armor: Titanium-Mesh Leather (-8)*
Adventure Points: 0
Fate Points: 2
Character Points: 50

Expert Bowman (12)
Blade Flighting (6)
Rangerwalk (10)
Dead-eye (12)
Lightning Reflex (4)

Enchanted Bow (Damage dependent on arrow type)
Long Knife (2d6)
Throwing Knife (2d4)
Greatsword (2d8)
Various poisons and potions
Ranger's cloak

Sleep (2d4)
Freeze (2d6)
Fire (2d8)
Electric (2d6)
Poison (2d4)
Stone (2d6)
Cobra (2d4)
Shock (2d6)
Explosion (2d4 AOE)
Net (no damage)
Screaming (no damage)
Befuddling (no damage)
Eagle (no damage) 

* - Put 12 Adventure Points into Armor for an additional (-6)

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